Our Gurus

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From luxury escapes to cultural adventures, I share authentic travel experiences to spark wanderlust and help you plan your next journey.", "socialMedia": [ { "link": "https://www.tiktok.com/@jetsettingshelly?_t=ZT-8tSyOz8Idws&_r=1", "socialMedia": [ "tiktok" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+900" }, { "link": "https://www.instagram.com/jetsettingshelly/", "socialMedia": [ "instagram" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+1K" } ], "fullDescription": "<p>Traveling isn’t just my passion—it’s my way of life. I’m an adventurer at heart and, at just 22 years old, I’ve already explored 38 countries, with many more to come. I can proudly say I’ve hiked an active volcano, swum with whales, explored the wild on horseback, raced through the desert on a quad, witnessed the raw power of hurricanes, and so much more. My greatest love is discovering new places and, whenever possible, seeing them through the eyes of a local. Every tip I receive, every lesson I learn, I share—so that future travelers don’t have to start from zero when planning their own journeys.</p>\n", "location": { "city": "Frankfurt", "country": "Germany", "latitude": 50.1109221, "longitude": 8.6821267, "countryShort": "DE" } }, "id": "cG9zdDo0MjE4", "slug": "jet-setting-shelly", "title": "Jet Setting Shelly", "featuredImage": { "node": { "mediaDetails": { "sizes": [ { "height": "1024", "width": "768", "sourceUrl": "https://letsgogurus.kinsta.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/IMG_4152-768x1024.jpeg" } ] }, "altText": "" } } }
Jet Setting Shelly
Hi, I’m Michelle, a travel enthusiast and content creator passionate about exploring the world, discovering hidden gems and inspiring others to do the same. From luxury escapes to cultural adventures, I share authentic travel experiences to spark wanderlust and help you plan your next journey.
Talks About

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I'm Morgan, a passionate traveler and custom travel advisor with a love for exploring the world's most beautiful and unique destinations. Through my posts, I aim to share my adventures, travel tips, and insights on luxury travel experiences. Whether it's a serene beach resort, a bustling cityscape, or a hidden gem off the beaten path, I strive to inspire others to embark on their own journeys and discover the wonders of the world.", "socialMedia": [ { "link": "https://www.instagram.com/morganlynn_travelaesthetic/", "socialMedia": [ "instagram" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+3K" } ], "fullDescription": "<p>Welcome to my page! My name is Morgan, and I am thrilled to take you along on my adventures around the globe. As the founder of a luxury-focused, female-owned independent travel agency, I have always been captivated by the allure of new destinations and the stories they hold. My journey into travel blogging began with a simple desire to document my experiences and share the beauty of the places I visit with a wider audience. Over time, this passion has grown into a full-fledged endeavor, where I not only explore new locales but also provide valuable travel tips, destination guides, and personal anecdotes to help fellow travelers make the most of their trips.</p>\n<p>On my Instagram, you’ll find a curated collection of my travel highlights, from the stunning Blue Lagoon in Iceland to the vibrant streets of European cities to the alluring deserts of the Sahara and everywhere in between. Each post is a glimpse into the unique experiences and luxurious stays that define my travels. My goal is to create a space where travel enthusiasts can find inspiration, practical advice, and a sense of connection through shared wanderlust. Join me as I continue to explore the world, one breathtaking destination at a time, and let’s make every journey an unforgettable adventure.</p>\n<div id=\"gtx-trans\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 292px; top: 61.8949px;\">\n<div class=\"gtx-trans-icon\"></div>\n</div>\n", "location": { "city": "Nashville", "country": "United States", "latitude": 36.1626638, "longitude": -86.7816016, "countryShort": "US" } }, "id": "cG9zdDo0MDA3", "slug": "morgan-lynn", "title": "Morgan Lynn", "featuredImage": { "node": { "mediaDetails": { "sizes": [ { "height": "768", "width": "1024", "sourceUrl": "https://letsgogurus.kinsta.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/morgan-lynn-1024x768.jpeg" } ] }, "altText": "Morgan Lynn_from morganlynn_travelaesthetic" } } }
Morgan Lynn
Hi there! I'm Morgan, a passionate traveler and custom travel advisor with a love for exploring the world's most beautiful and unique destinations. Through my posts, I aim to share my adventures, travel tips, and insights on luxury travel experiences. Whether it's a serene beach resort, a bustling cityscape, or a hidden gem off the beaten path, I strive to inspire others to embark on their own journeys and discover the wonders of the world.
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From luxury escapes to cultural adventures, I share authentic travel experiences to spark wanderlust and help you plan your next journey.", "socialMedia": [ { "link": "https://www.tiktok.com/@jetsettingshelly?_t=ZT-8tSyOz8Idws&_r=1", "socialMedia": [ "tiktok" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+900" }, { "link": "https://www.instagram.com/jetsettingshelly/", "socialMedia": [ "instagram" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+1K" } ], "fullDescription": "<p>Traveling isn’t just my passion—it’s my way of life. I’m an adventurer at heart and, at just 22 years old, I’ve already explored 38 countries, with many more to come. I can proudly say I’ve hiked an active volcano, swum with whales, explored the wild on horseback, raced through the desert on a quad, witnessed the raw power of hurricanes, and so much more. My greatest love is discovering new places and, whenever possible, seeing them through the eyes of a local. Every tip I receive, every lesson I learn, I share—so that future travelers don’t have to start from zero when planning their own journeys.</p>\n", "location": { "city": "Frankfurt", "country": "Germany", "latitude": 50.1109221, "longitude": 8.6821267, "countryShort": "DE" } }, "id": "cG9zdDo0MjE4", "slug": "jet-setting-shelly", "title": "Jet Setting Shelly", "featuredImage": { "node": { "mediaDetails": { "sizes": [ { "height": "1024", "width": "768", "sourceUrl": "https://letsgogurus.kinsta.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/IMG_4152-768x1024.jpeg" } ] }, "altText": "" } } }
Jet Setting Shelly
Hi, I’m Michelle, a travel enthusiast and content creator passionate about exploring the world, discovering hidden gems and inspiring others to do the same. From luxury escapes to cultural adventures, I share authentic travel experiences to spark wanderlust and help you plan your next journey.
Talks About

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I'm Morgan, a passionate traveler and custom travel advisor with a love for exploring the world's most beautiful and unique destinations. Through my posts, I aim to share my adventures, travel tips, and insights on luxury travel experiences. Whether it's a serene beach resort, a bustling cityscape, or a hidden gem off the beaten path, I strive to inspire others to embark on their own journeys and discover the wonders of the world.", "socialMedia": [ { "link": "https://www.instagram.com/morganlynn_travelaesthetic/", "socialMedia": [ "instagram" ], "totalOfFollowers": "+3K" } ], "fullDescription": "<p>Welcome to my page! My name is Morgan, and I am thrilled to take you along on my adventures around the globe. As the founder of a luxury-focused, female-owned independent travel agency, I have always been captivated by the allure of new destinations and the stories they hold. My journey into travel blogging began with a simple desire to document my experiences and share the beauty of the places I visit with a wider audience. Over time, this passion has grown into a full-fledged endeavor, where I not only explore new locales but also provide valuable travel tips, destination guides, and personal anecdotes to help fellow travelers make the most of their trips.</p>\n<p>On my Instagram, you’ll find a curated collection of my travel highlights, from the stunning Blue Lagoon in Iceland to the vibrant streets of European cities to the alluring deserts of the Sahara and everywhere in between. Each post is a glimpse into the unique experiences and luxurious stays that define my travels. My goal is to create a space where travel enthusiasts can find inspiration, practical advice, and a sense of connection through shared wanderlust. Join me as I continue to explore the world, one breathtaking destination at a time, and let’s make every journey an unforgettable adventure.</p>\n<div id=\"gtx-trans\" style=\"position: absolute; left: 292px; top: 61.8949px;\">\n<div class=\"gtx-trans-icon\"></div>\n</div>\n", "location": { "city": "Nashville", "country": "United States", "latitude": 36.1626638, "longitude": -86.7816016, "countryShort": "US" } }, "id": "cG9zdDo0MDA3", "slug": "morgan-lynn", "title": "Morgan Lynn", "featuredImage": { "node": { "mediaDetails": { "sizes": [ { "height": "768", "width": "1024", "sourceUrl": "https://letsgogurus.kinsta.cloud/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/morgan-lynn-1024x768.jpeg" } ] }, "altText": "Morgan Lynn_from morganlynn_travelaesthetic" } } }
Morgan Lynn
Hi there! I'm Morgan, a passionate traveler and custom travel advisor with a love for exploring the world's most beautiful and unique destinations. Through my posts, I aim to share my adventures, travel tips, and insights on luxury travel experiences. Whether it's a serene beach resort, a bustling cityscape, or a hidden gem off the beaten path, I strive to inspire others to embark on their own journeys and discover the wonders of the world.
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